David Robert Jones, MS LPC

100 Feathers in My Cap (100)

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100 feathers in my cap. You may remember that when I hit 90, I conjectured that the only reason I might go for 100 consecutive days of writing, podcasting, and photo-essaying was for a metaphorical feather in my cap. 

Well, make it 100 feathers in my cap.

I made it. It ended up mattering to me.


I just love it.

100 per cent of the days for the past 100 days, I have followed through with one of the bigger commitments I have made in recent years.

I am so proud of myself. Beaming, actually.

Heart full of gratitude that I persevered when I didn’t want to keep going, when I was on the other side of exhaustion finishing a piece before the stroke of 12, when it felt like I had little to give, when I wondered why it was I was doing what I was doing.

I proved over and over to myself that I can trust myself.

And I am finishing well.

This was truly a project to discover my limits, determine whether or not I am really a writer and speaker and photographer, to determine whether or not I am a creative.

I am!

And in the process I have watched as this project has helped create the foundation of something that is rising from the beauty of ashes, following a familiar story line of being broken down and reshaped to be a more open, expansive, wise, beautiful, loving vessel…over and over and over.

Now, it’s officially time to close shop for the summer. My class load at the university has officially ended. Finals are graded. Grades are posted.

The semi-annual Integrated Life Retreat in North Central Idaho is next weekend and it is filled with incredible human beings who are coming together to rest, heal, connect, and grow. I feel so much gratitude to just be part of this!

Summer awaits. Full of plenty of down time, adventure with family, visiting our old stomping grounds in DC and NY with the kids, seeing clients, fine-tuning courses for the Fall 2024 semester, creating a new course (Developing Healthy Relationships - filled up in the first minute of registration!), getting my 200 hour Yoga Certification, getting another Mindfulness Certification, playing music, reading, hugging my kids, cycling, laughing with our family, coming together with extended family and friends, and soaking up every moment like it is the only moment…because it is!

Today, I had fun stepping back and looking at my writing, recording, and podcasting setup, recalling all of the early tweaks to get everything running the way I wanted it to — actually, learning what exactly I was wanting at the same time.

Sound equipment. Process flow. Setting up a podcast. Getting the podcast on all of the podcast platforms. Tweaking the sound equipment. Creating a musical intro and outro. Being intensely present and watchful each day for the next piece of writing to emerge. Sorting through my own photo archives for relevant visuals to help shape and tell the story. Finding the right formats for the website version, podcast version, FB version, and Insta version.

Learning. Learning. Learning.

What a wonderful journey.

100 feathers in my cap.

I made it.

It mattered.

It matters!


Ready to take the next step?

I’d love to hear from you. Contact me via social media or at [email protected].